The daily health horoscope studies your strengths and weaknesses through the positioning of planets in your birth chart. Wellness horoscopes can predict the manifestation of diseases and vulnerabilities based on the ruling planet of your zodiac signs. Get detailed readings to know which part of the body, organ, or symptom you should pay more attention to with our zodiac health astrology.
Sep 9, 2024 - Do you know where you stand? "Taking stock" is aided by the planetary alignment, which facilitates the asking of necessary critical questions. Are you where you want to be in terms of your overall strength and fitness levels? Are you as fluent in dietary matters as you need to be to take good care of yourself? A book on holistic health might be a good idea, or you could check the new magazines on the rack at your health food store. Or look up some interesting sites on the internet. The information is there and easily accessible.
Sep 10, 2024 - You sometimes give the impression that everything is going well even when it's not. You fall in love with the idea of having a good time and forget to ask yourself if it's really true or not. With a little help from the energy released by the current planetary alignment, take the opportunity to know what you are really feeling. Start with your health and wellness. Are you getting the right kind of energy from the foods you eat? Do you sleep enough? You can't know unless you ask.